Car industry:
your questions answered
This car guide is the benchmark for the automotive industry. We offer exclusive news, reviews as well as all the details on new and used vehicles.

Technical details, comparisons and purchase tips
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Find in our articles all the tests and guides dedicated to cars, for free and in open access. Here present detailed presentations on the models, small sports cars, compact cars, sedans, coupe and cabriolet cars, GT and supercars, modern and old machines and we also target rental offers and types. Our info and tips are supported by numerous photos, technical data sheets, buying tips and owners’ opinions to buy the car of your dreams!
Are you still hesitating between several brands or models? Read our tests and comparisons to help you choose. You can also find a number of tips to help you save money before and after you buy your next vehicle!
Why opt for a new car?
Security and driving enjoyment
As one of largest household spending items, a new car is not something to be considered lightly. Once the model has been chosen, it remains to know how to obtain the best price. Choosing a new vehicle means choosing the safety of buying a guaranteed car in perfect conditions. On the maintenance costs side, the advantage is defiitely to the new car. You won’t have to change the timing belt, shock absorbers,… or other expensive parts right away which are all unavoidable changes on second-hand cars, thus represent a significant budget!
When buying a new car, one of the main benefits is the possibility of choosing the car that suits you most! Whether in equipment, options, colours, engines, it’s still the best way to drive a tailor-made car. This leads us to consider car rental as well, an option that allows you to drive and experience new cars everytime you decide to. Choosing Drivy is a one of the best options to drive the car you you’ve always dreamt of at a relatively low cost!


A never-ending evolution!
In den letzten Jahren haben wir wichtige Innovationen in der Automobilindustrie erlebt. Das Forum Passion Mecanique ermutigt Automobil-Enthusiasten mit einem Hintergrund in der Kfz-Mechanik, zu sehen, dass Ingenieure und andere Fachleute der Branche Jahr für Jahr hart daran arbeiten, herausragende Leistungen zu erbringen, um zum Beispiel ein neues Sicherheitsmerkmal oder eine geniale Methode zur Integration eines Hybridmotors zu finden.
The criteria for choosing the right car
Tips for a successful purchase

How will you use the vehicle?
A vehicle must be adapted to its use. Apart from sports and prestige cars, these vehicles are most often used for work, leisure or family travel. These criteria will determine the type and size of your future machine. If you need a main car, choose a relatively powerful type.
However, if you plan to use it as a secondary car, choose it according to its main use, for instance, as an off-road vehicle, for example, a family vehicle to take your family for a weekend stroll or a small city car for secondary use.

Purchase financing
The financing of the purchase must also be decided very early on. The most traditional option is the use of fast online credit. This is the method most commonly used by most individuals who do not have enough savings to finance the cash purchase. Some also choose to resell their old cars to finance the purchase of a new vehicle. Otherwise, there is still the option of leasing. This is a long-term car rental that allows you to become the owner of the vehicle at the end of the contract.

The car design
Today, the design of a car is almost as important as its functionality. Manufacturers do their best to create attractive cars, but without always succeeding. In this case, the best example of success is still MINI: a shimmering body, a touch of retro and that’s it. Moreover, the design is not limited to the external appearance. The cabin radiates an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, MINI has launched two special editions called ‘Camden’ and ‘Mayfair’.

Car reliability
Sometimes subjective, reliability varies from one brand to another, from one type to another. Some brands are less reliable than their reputation suggests, and vice versa. One thing is certain, just like human life expectancy, the reliability of our cars has evolved considerably over the decades.